This one, dedicated to the personal development as well as the spiritual deployment of its consultants, offers you:

- pranic food break retreats. Support possible all year round, residential, online or at home, in 7, 14 or 21 days depending on your preference,
Discover the testimonies of Claire, Maude, Pierre, Gilles, Rémy and Johanne! HERE

- professional training in:

- energetic and vibrational care,
- Amma seated massage,
- Swedish Californian massage,
- facial wellness massage

- individualized online support (Skype) to help you resolve a difficulty, more easily achieve your goals of better health, optimize your professional achievement, etc.

- an online store to offer you 2 books and 1 CD (in french):
- book “from pranic nourishment to the plenitude of emptiness” by Gabriel Lesquoy, 2015
- book “yoga, prana and self-realization”, Gabriel Lesquoy, 2023
- audio cd in MP3 “pranic meditations”, 2018

Prana Inspire and his representative Gabriel Lesquoy have an informative and on no account incentive or persuasive vocation.
Learn, understand and evolve thanks to the possible experiences which appear on the path of life for each and everyone should always protect and favor the development of the free-will , lucid consciousness and the well-being.

Seeking information and deciding on a change in one's life can be made as easily as quickly. This change can sometimes imply a long and demanding course, requiring beyond the euphoric enthusiasm of the beginning , a bright , respectful and reassuring consciousness of oneself , one's physical and psychological health.

The prana food substitutes on no account to any therapeutic mode. For any suspected or proven health problem, minor or major, functional disorder linked to stress, physical or psychological illness, systematically consult your attending physician, the only point of reference in this matter.